
недвижимость за рубежом

г. Москва, Кутузовский проспект,
д. 36, стр. 3, вход 7


Поиск жилой и коммерческой недвижимости за рубежом

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Поиск коммерческой и жилой недвижимости

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Sports and recreation center

  • Хорватия
  • Кварнер
  • Цриквеница
1 000 000
91 565 500
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Фото 1 - Sports and recreation center


  • Площадь участка
    13 м2

Описание объекта

According to the technical structure, the Sports and Tourist Center complex in Ličko Lešće will consist of: a) accommodation facilities: - hotels - one tourist accommodation and cohabitation facility, kitchen and restaurant, capacity of 18 three-star beds (365 m2) - four facilities for short stay of tourists with a final capacity of 24 beds in double and triple rooms, toilets, kitchen, type of accommodation apartments of three stars (4 x 60 = 240 m2), covered entrance hall (4 x 25 = 100 m2) b) sports facilities - sports (multifunctional and football) terrains with stands (1.800 m2), c) changing rooms with saunas and entertaining room (83 m2) d) exterior parking, hiking trails, greenery, fences and other associated environment. The building elements of the complex are: built on a land area of ​​approximately 13.000,00m2 on which the family house (NGP of 310.54m2) was previously built.

The microlocation of the complex is the lowland of the Gacka River, in the immediate vicinity of the Tonković Vrila in Ličko Lešće. The traffic quality of the micro-location emphasizes the proximity of the motorway and the direct descent from the A1 / direction Zagreb-Split and vice versa / to Licko Lešće, the proximity of the main road towards Plitvice Lakes, if it is connected with the Zagreb-Split highway. It should be noted that the described, dare we say strategically excellent location of the complex, gives marked comparative advantages over similar facilities in the surrounding area at least 30 km. Regionally, Licko Lesce is located in the County of Lika-Senj in the center of Croatia. The location of the place emphasizes the characteristics of the climate and vegetation, which are in accordance with the relief, which means: fresh and healthy mountain climate and lush vegetation of deciduous and evergreen forests, meadows, richness of watercourses and rich diversity of wildlife.

The location of the facility is located near the most beautiful source environment of the river Gacka, in the immediate vicinity of Tonković Vrilo, and all within the continental part of the Lika-Senj County important for the development of tourist and catering offer. - Plitvice Lakes National Park - having macro-regional tourist significance - Velebit Nature Park - the top of Velebit (which includes the Northern Velebit and Paklenica National Parks) - Velebit Nature Park - Continental-Lika Velebit with tourist centers: Otočac, Perušić, Gospić, Lovinac - The area of ​​Mala Kapela with its tourist center in Brinje. The location estimate from the position and the micro and macro components is: EXCELLENT!

Degree of completion of the project (75%). The value of the project at this stage is approximately 7.500.000,00 kn (without family house) (1.000.000,00 Euro) Funds required for completion of approximately 3.000,000.00 kn. The land was entered into the company's share capital, so the family house was also entered, but a parceling study was made to separate the houses together with the corresponding parcel from the company, as well as to determine the parcels for each individual object. HBOR's loan was also raised for the construction and the bank was mortgaged for the entire property. The loan amount at the moment is approximately HRK 1,770,000.

Sales are possible through acquisitions of a company that owns real estate or the purchase of real estate from a company.


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